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Erika Hawley

I Am here to Guide:
Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) who are struggling with overwhelm and boundaries to understand their energetic blueprint, learn HOW to embrace their authentic life purpose, and recognize their Superpowers in order to create profound shifts in their personal and professional lives!

If you Identify as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) you may also notice or feel:

*Increased levels of Empathy 

*Artistic and Creative tendencies

*Challenges with negative self talk and overwhelm

*Difficulty in close, personal relationships

*Frequent Energy and Mood fluctuations

*Impacted by the environment you place yourself in 

*Acutely aware of others' energy/thoughts/feelings

*The need to obtain more Gentle, Integrative and non-invasive Health care 

*Sensitive to sensory changes; sight, sound, smell, or location... 

*A practicing Yogi/Yogini who wants to cultivate a deeper Sankalpa (or Intention with strong resolve) based on your unique body graph


Not sure if we are a fit or where to begin?

 More of a talk" in person person"?

 Book a free discovery session over zoom or phone to connect with Erika and find out more about how she may be of service for your specific request Project or concern

Readings/tune ups

These sessions are great for returning clients of any modality who have a personal query, physical or Health related concern or question that they would like support with.

This can be an energy tune up, follow up/check in with HD, or any health related discussion with supplement or herbal prescription support as needed. Please email below with what you want support with, days/times that work best for you and your Birth date, time and place.


Erika is a creative Soul and multi- preneur who loves collaborating on unique projects!  If you would like to learn about energy-human design, reiki, acupuncture and more- Im happy to teach a class for your group or organization.  If are a professional and would like design help with your book, website, business logo or bringing more Feng Shui or (aka better flow) INto your home or life, feel free contact Erika directly with your need or request below.


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 THRIVEas YourSelf

Flower in Sunlight

"Everyone has been made for a particular work and the desire for that has been put in your heart"


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