Welcome! I am so glad you are here.
Todays maiden blog voyage here at Quantum Purpose Coach is on one of my favorite topics of discovery to begin with in regards to shifting one's perspective to get more of everything you want and need in life.
I hope you will stick around for the whole contemplation, grab a cuppa your favorite and read until the end, its packed with juicy insights!
**Please feel free to share with others if you love it or unsubscribe below if not.
As you read I also hope you will sense a shift in perspective and some new possibility emerge as I have using this simple acronym contrast example to get started learning about some basic energy mechanics and how to do life better using-JOMO VS FOMO; understanding the impact of an inner vs. outer focus.
**I encourage you to allow space right now as you are able to for your own memories or examples to emerge as you read and even take a few notes or pause for further contemplation and close your eyes to tune IN:
Maybe You Can Relate?
Have you ever felt worse after scrolling on social media, or talking to a friend who just went on the adventure of a lifetime without you that you really wanted to go on too?
Or maybe seeing and hearing about all the wonderfully fun and amazing things you didn't get to do with your friends/family/community this summer because you had a personal challenge or responsibility?
The pit in your stomach, then maybe sinking, strange...yucky somehow, out of nowhere a bit sad, left out, off balance... somethings missing...making up negative stories perhaps that it's something about you, not invited... or you might even say to yourself: "Wait a second! Where did that come from- I was feeling fine a minute ago??!" And yet still not quite be able to shake it or feel better...
Until you hear those famous words ring true once again:
“Comparison is the thief of joy”
-Theodore Roosevelt
And start to recall your own energy, purpose and experience. Remember, once again, that you are whole and complete, capable of meeting all that life offers you, never left out, always center stage- on your own stage. Even if you have a lot of undefined centers in your chart. You are still a whole and complete person with a unique purpose and design.
We are all here learning..we are all becoming what we are in every moment, having experiences constantly.... and we are all given a uniquely designed Energetic system that is made to guide us in life and interpret/work with those experiences so we can learn to be more fully "ourselves".
We are affected by our own thoughts and choices, other beings, the environment and whether we understand how or not; whether we "meant to" do something consciously or not; our individual choices DO effect the whole and why certain results and themes keep replaying in life, for us to learn.
It is more "correct" energetically in regard to our own growth and potential to compare ourselves and our own life to ourselves, our own innate INner world of experience and understanding-not the abilities or gifts or desires of others.
When pursuing a life of "JOY" and satisfaction as so many of us wish and reach for, we must have access to and listen to our own guidance systems ie; monitor ourselves and keep in good shape so we can perceive and greet life with greater resilience and clarity.
We get confused about HOW to be our awesome and "true self" (which sounds in a way like it should be the easiest thing- just be yourself, right? Ha!) and get involved in other people's creations which can lead us feeling unfulfilled in our own sense of purpose.
Most of us find that sharing and articulating that unique truth is often easier said than done and struggle to live the best version of ourselves because we are so focused on others and what they think about how we should be and what we do or do not do.
Using the lense of Human Design and some JOMO perspectives we can start to clarify and confirm in what way we would like to use our energy, our "facet of the diamond of life" for the greatest benefit.
There are so many doorways IN.... as well as OUT of this kind of Attunement.
It's ultimately our choice of how we focus our attention based on the stories we hold about who we are.
Taking intentional time alone is the first step. To learn about one self and begin to understand your own experience, first.
When we don't understand our own experience or energy mechanics or take time to be "consciously alone" or if we don't even know how to do that- I believe it's pretty impossible to truly regulate our own energy and live as our best self to truly be of service in the world, no matter what our design is.
Luckily we have tools and ways to follow to do this better.
So let's start dive in to check out two of these "doorways" that lead to Creating more Conscious Alignment in Life and getting more of what you really want
-One "In" (JOMO) and one "Out" (FOMO):

Photo by/of Erika at the Roman Nose Lakes 2024
Door #1
The Fear of Missing Out- aka "FOMO"/ "Out"
"FOMO"-fear of missing out : fear of not being included in something (such as an interesting or enjoyable activity) that others are experiencing."
Picture this...
(or insert your own examples ;)
It's the weekend. YAY!
Your first "unscheduled" one in a while, free time to do as you wish or need to at last!
You've been dreaming of this in all the ways.
And you had a lot of ideas on Wednesday about what you would feel like or be able to accomplish over the next two days.
Oh, and not to mention your friend Jenny invited you out on Saturday and then theres the game on Sunday soo... you better work your own stuff in around everything else, its gonna be a busy one looks like...
But then the day arrives, it's the weekend at last!! But you're just feeling off. Tired, cranky and plain out of tolerance for little things that are already popping up. Now nothing that sounded correct or even fun on Wednesday seems right now.
You've been burning the candle to get to this point and you're gonna have fun darn-it!! Right??
But you're Just. SO. Tired. No motivation. No spark.
Then it comes over you... uh oh...the FOMO. The dreaded discomforts and resistance to what is...What? NO! I cant be TIRED! NOT today, oh no. Im gonna miss out on everything good this weekend! Id better caffeine up and push through this so I feel: accomplished, approved of by someone else, able to say Im a good person and got stuff in order etc... etc...
Sound familiar at all??
With FOMO in the drivers seat, we are not able to live an authentic life or find true Joy or even feel content or Grateful for what we have.
We feel on the "OUT"side of our own life and experience.
OK... Now let's see what another option might look/feel like
Door # 2
The Joy of Missing out...aka "JOMO" / "In"
"JOMO"- pleasure derived from living in a quiet or independent way without feeling anxious that one is missing out on exciting or interesting events that may be happening elsewhere."
Now Imagine another scenario:
What if rather than push it, imagine that you can now execute some much needed JOMO...
You start to imagine how it would actually feel (in your body/nervous system) if you were to: cancel the outing, tear up the self created imaginary "important" list, forgoe the hike or whatever wonderful idea above you wanted to implement on the prior noted Wednesday that was supposed to bring more pleasure to your life....and instead invite, more of what the present moment is really asking you to explore/create/pause or move into. The actual feeling of better.
What would that be like??
As you start leaning in the other direction, away from the FOMO, toward something easeful or calming in the moment.
What else seems possible now?
Perhaps the space to start thinking about something else that might actually be good for you?! Something you actually want to do that might nourish your soul perhaps? Or perhaps you still complete your list, but now you are present and enjoying it while you do :)
Let's be honest, missing out on burnout, overdoing, people pleasing, pretending to be there when your mind and heart are absent and just need a rest....missing out on all that isn't really serving you anyway.... well, its not too bad!
The "joy of missing out" mentality is helpful to bring much needed balance to the heart-mind and remind us where to focus for the best of ourselves to emerge.
It's the path of less resistance that leads to better outcomes in all aspects of life.
Moving your attention to JOMO is filled with things like- pleasure being alive, helpful INsight, greater INtention, clearer INtuition and so much more relief than FOMO ever could offer... You become INvolved more sustainably in your own life in a way that offers the Peace and perspective you long for.

Photo by Erika Hawley-St Marys, Glacier Natl Park 2024
“Oh the joy of missing out.
When the world begins to shout
And rush towards that shining thing;
The latest bit of mental bling–
Trying to have it, see it, do it,
You simply know you won't go through it;
The anxious clamoring and need
This restless hungry thing to feed.
Instead, you feel the loveliness;
The pleasure of your emptiness.
You spurn the treasure on the shelf
In favor of your peaceful self;
Without regret, without a doubt.
Oh the joy of missing out”
—Michael Leunig
As you reconsider this new option, now every situation can start to shift.
You begin to see that you really only pursue what is authentic for you and live in greater harmony with all of life.
Remember- When you are ALIGNED everything works and feels better!
"JOMO is the perfect antidote to a long summer of excess"
Here are a few prompts to help ignite the topic of Joy and JOMO INto your Fall contemplations:
Do you experience a sense of knowing the JOMO on a regular basis?
Do you have a sense of FOMO often in life? Why do you think that is? Is it about one thing or anything?
Do you ever feel anxious that you will "miss out" on something important? What is it?
What happens when you feel Disconnected from yourSELF? How about When there is a connection?
Do you need more Space or time alone to feel Joyful? Or More time with others? Is it in Balance currently?
Is Joy hiding under another emotional space or experience? FOMO? Anger? Sadness...? Loss...??
Do you want to choose more JOMO or FOMO in life moving forward?
If one resonates, let it be with you.
And either way, No pressure! ;)
Unlearning and relearning takes time.
"Go Gently. Respect yourself so you can respect others. Walk in a Good Way that both honors what IS and calls you forward in life.
You are the one you have been waiting for."
-Erika Indrani
Invite these ideas to sit with you and take form. Notice how they align or don't in your life. Use discernment. Ask Questions. Be Kind. Stay Curious.
Lean INto what is whole, healthy and healed in your life already.
Focus on one good and ok thing you can physically see or touch right now.
Start SiMpLy.
Go Gently.
Please always Remember- just like a rainbow emerging after the rain

Photo credit: Yvonne Gee, BC, Canada
I offer a free 15 min consultation if you want to ask questions over the phone or zoom about human design, energy mechanics, getting in alignment or other healing topics-
Or if you already want to dive IN! go ahead and book online or reply here to go directly to my email, Id love to hear your thoughts on the topic above.
We will begin with Reading your Human Design Blueprint and go from there in order to determine the tools you need most right now to feel Better.
Blessings of Alignment and Peace to you and Yours~
"Understand yourself enough to appreciate the unique being that you ARE!"
-Erika Indrani Hawley

Call or Text: (208) 352-08
Call or Text: (208) 352-0872